serving northern california for over 30 years
Dr. Thomas Chew

Dr. Thomas (Tom) Chew was born and raised in Oakland, CA. He attended Oakland High, UC Berkeley and Palmer College of Chiropractic-West in Sunnyvale, California.
He was introduced to chiropractic by Dr. Michael Wong and practiced with Dr. Wong from 1985 until 1996.
His office is currently in the Grand Lake Health Center where he enjoys practicing with Dr. Mark Wong.
Dr. Chew swam and played water polo at the high school and college level and competed in triathlon from 1976 until 1987.
Dr. Chew was an athletic trainer for Laney and Merritt Community Colleges and has experience treating injuries related to track, swimming, basketball, football, baseball, volleyball, wrestling, soccer and cycling.
Our Oakland Office

Address: 3640 Grand Ave. #106 Oakland, CA 94610
Open: Tuesday & Thursday – 11am – 6pm
Phone: (510) 260-3051
Our Concord Office

Address: 2975 Treat Blvd., Concord, CA 94610
Open: Monday/Wednesday/Friday – 11am – 6pm
Phone: (510) 260-3051
12345 Golden Gate Warriors, Concord, CA 94520
Why I'm a Chiropractor
In 1980, my senior year at Cal, my friend Gary Taylor talked me into doing the Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii. After months of training, we went to Honolulu. Two days before the race, we inexplicably started wrestling each other. Gary happened to be 6’2″ and 175 pounds and I was 5’6″ and 131 pounds (That’s no longer my weight). Our “match” lasted about 7 seconds because I felt a sudden knife-like pain in my right upper back when I tried to “supplex” him (a russian wrestling move that a friend had tried to teach me).
I was unable to turn my head to the right nor could I lift my right arm above horizontal. For two days I tried massage, heat, ice, showers and aspirin(Advil had only recently been invented and was only available by prescription).
On race morning, I was able to lift my arm but I still couldn’t turn my head. Gary asked me what I was going to do. I told him that I would just see how it felt.
The 2.4 mile swim went fine. But when I got on my bike I found that I couldn’t lift my head up with my hands down on the drops. At about 20 miles, after going downhill towards Sandy Beach (the only hill) while sitting straight up I told Gary that I had to stop and stretch it out.
I had discovered that it felt good to put pressure on it with my hand so I thought if I put a LOT of pressure on it, it might feel better.
I found a grassy slope and laid on my back with my legs and hips higher than my head. I rocked back and forth a few times and then felt a “click” in my upper back.
When I stood up I turned my head slowly right and left. Then I looked straight up.
The pain was gone.”Huh. That’s weird,” I thought to myself.
“Let’s go!” I shouted at Gary.
We both finished the race and had several other problems but that’s not really part of this story.
About a year later, I was playing poker at a friends house. An old friend of my cousins named Mike Wong (who was in his 3rd quarter of chiropractic school) was there. He asked me what I was doing and I told him I was in grad school studying microbiology. He asked me what I thought about becoming a chiropractor.
Now the only time I had even discussed chiropractic was when we drove by a chiropractic office near my high school and I asked “Hey Mom, What’s a chiropractor?”
Her response was “Oh, some kind of weird doctor.”
At the end of the evening of poker, Mike adjusted me and I immediately thought “That’s what I needed!”
I went home and told my parents that I was going to drop out of grad school and become a chiropractor. After not talking to me for about a week, they agreed to support me in my efforts but only if I never changed careers again. And here I am.
What People Say
About Dr. Chew
Having been practicing Chiropractic for so many years, Dr. Chew has developed a wide array of patients who have become regular clients.